ARTE documentary “How do we want to love” – portrait of Annette Meisl

by Annette Meisl

How do we want to love?

In July 2022 I received a call from a TV production company who asked me if I would like to take part in a three-part documentary by ARTE on the topic of “ love ”. I was amazed that they had chosen me as an interview partner. The publication of my much-noticed, controversially discussed book “ 5 Men for Me ”, which was even presented to us by Markus Lanz, was ten years ago!

“How did you come across me?” I asked the editor.

“Well,” answered the lady, “after all, it’s about the topic of love and there’s no getting around you!”

I have to admit, I was very happy about that. I am aware that the topic continues to generate interest. Readers write to me again and again and seek my advice on love entanglements . I keep getting asked about a follow-up volume. It doesn't exist yet, but who knows, maybe it will come at some point?

The team arrived with a large cast: cameraman, sound engineer, editor, assistant. And as always when filming takes place in my La Galana salon , the estimated two hours turned into twice as many. Not only guests but also creative teams feel comfortable with me and I am happy about that every time.

The interview was exciting. It was about how I came up with the idea of ​​looking for 5 lovers at the same time . How I tried to reinvent love. How I pulled myself out of the swamp of deep depression by my hair with my “ project ”. It's about juicy details and the courage to help yourself.

But see and hear for yourself. It will be an exciting themed night on the subject of love, sex and relationships. The post about me comes in the last of the three parts, so hang in there, it will be interesting!

By the way, on Wednesday, February 15th at 10:25 p.m. I will be portrayed together with other candidates in an ARTE documentary . Name of the show: “ How do we want to love ”. Details following. Please note the date in advance.

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