Cigar roller
With LA GALANA, present your own mobile event cigar factory, an exquisite cigar lounge, the cigar evening at the end of your congress or the cigar seminar to satisfy your guests' and employees' thirst for knowledge. Enjoy with class. Pamper your senses: the finest tobacco products, the best whiskeys and fine Cuban rum. Tobacco rollers conjure up fine LA GALANA cigars in front of your eyes from fresh tobacco leaves, which can be smoked immediately, a rare treat! A cigar expert takes you into the exciting world of tobacco. You taste high-quality puros, learn how to cut and enjoy cigars. Discover the exciting background of this luxury product, because: A cigar is not a habit but a style.
Cigar event
Cigar roller
She calls herself a “cigar manufacturer,” a term that includes the art of rolling or twisting cigars, the show and the infotainment. Annette Meisl, the founder and owner of La Galana Cigar Manufactory, is an experienced cigar roller or cigar maker who learned her craft from the Cuban Torcedora Cubana (Cuban cigar maker) Silvia Hernandez. The master worked at the well-known cigar factories in Cuba , rolling Cohiba and Pártagas . It was born in Pinar del Rio, in the tobacco fields of the well-known tobacco grower and brand owner Robaíno. Annette deepened her knowledge of cigar rolling in the tobacco towns of Estelí in Nicaragua and Danli in Honduras, where she was introduced to the secrets of rolling by cigar production experts.
The brand owner and entrepreneur Annette Meisl has been training cigar rollers herself for years and deploys her team of Cuban, German and international rollers at events all over Germany.
They showed their art in cities such as Cologne, Hanover, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Wiesbaden, Berlin, Stuttgart, Freiburg, Munich, as well as in the neighboring countries of Switzerland and Austria. In addition, they are guests wherever you want to see an excellent show. For example in Dubai, where they performed at well-known events.
They repeatedly demonstrate the art of cigar rolling at events such as the 24-hour race in Le Mans, France, the Formula 1 in Abu Dhabi, events by BMW, Porsche, SAP, Siemens, Abraaj Capital and many others. Larger mobile cigar manufacturers often presented, with up to seven cigar rollers at once.
what we offer
La Galana also offers rum tastings , cigar rolling courses , lectures on tobacco, Cuba and making spirits.
La Galana also has a network of Cuban dancers and Cuban singers and musicians from various genres.
Whether you book Annette Meisl individually or a whole team depends on the size of the event and the budget.
Let yourself be seduced into a world of tobacco and enjoy a touch of Cuba.
The art of rolling cigars for your wedding
Whether it's a wedding, bachelor party, birthday party, class reunion, anniversary, company event, celebration with friends or family, a demonstration of the art of cigar making is always an eye-catcher!
La Galana
Book a cigar roller
We roll cigars at your event. An event for enjoyment and passion.
Cigar roller
The cigar rollers at a company event in Düsseldorf.
Torcedoras à la the 1920s
Do you like to reminisce about the 1920s? We would be happy to take part in your journey through time. To the tune of burlesque dancing and swing music, we roll cigars in front of your amazed audience.
Cigar roller at Dattenfeld Castle
Private event in Dellbrück
Private event in Dellbrück in a traditional inn.
Turning tobacco leaves into cigars
Delicate hands conjure up elegant long-filler cigars from autumn leaves at your event. Amazement guaranteed!
Cigar rolling on Habanos Day on September 3rd and 4th at Bückeburg Castle
5THAVENUE Products Trading GmbH
Cigar private event
The perfect birthday gift and event! Would you like to celebrate your special day, see your friends again, have fun and enjoy together? Then simply book our LA GALANA cigar seminar with rum tasting. The seminar will then take place on the day of your choice just for your group!
Bachelor party with cigar rolling
The bachelor party is a big day in every man's life. Surprise the groom with a cigar seminar at La Galana. The future husband rolls a cigar himself from fine Cuban tobacco leaves under the expert guidance of our Cuban roller or our German cigar maker and receives a diploma for it! We also maintain the tradition of making wedding cigars! Order a private label edition with the wedding date and the initials of the bride and groom. A wedding gift that will always be remembered!
Rolling cigars the Cuban style
The cigars are made in the same way as they were made 200 years ago in Havana, Seville or Bremen. You didn't know that? In fact: in Germany, fine long-filler cigars were made by hand and were in no way inferior to Cuban cigars. We continue this tradition and show you in our cozy smoking room how to make puros from tobacco leaves. Each of our seminar participants receives a board, a chopping knife, a tobacco leaf, glue, a punch, a cigar ring and off we go! It works even better in a team! It's fun and tastes great! There is also a delicious rum from Cuba.
La Galana Cuba night
We bring Cuba to you. With dance, music and cigars.
Private event at La Galana Salon
Private event cigar seminar with rum tasting in the La Galana Salon.
Cigar rollers in Dubai and Qatar
At the invitation of international event agencies, we produce fine puros in front of the Burj al Arab, at the Formula 1 in Abu Dhabi, at the Four Seasons Qatar and at other exotic locations.
Abraaj Capital Dubai, Adam&Eve Hotel Antalya, ABX Logistics, Audi, Ball des Sports, BDA German Employers' Day, DWS Investments, EURO Finance, Four Seasons Hotels Qatar, Intercontinental Frankfurt, Ladies Smoker Night, Mercedes Benz, New Year's Reception of the Berlin Press, Porsche, Sennheiser , Siemens, SAP, Telekom etc.
Feel free to contact us:
Annette Meisl:
Tel: +49 (0)221 8000923
Mobile: +49 (0)1577 3751993