A for burning
Important criterion for smoking a cigar.
A for cutting
Cigars are always closed at one end and are cut or drilled directly before smoking. The opening should be smaller than the diameter of the cigar; under no circumstances should the entire head be cut off. You can cut with a cutter, cigar scissors or a notch cutter.
A for lighting
A multi-flame jet flame lighter is best. Petrol lighters and matches are less recommended. Under no circumstances use a candle! You light the cigar while holding it in your hand, not in your mouth.
PICTURE is missing!
Sometimes a white powdery coating consisting of mineral salts forms on the cigars and can simply be brushed off.
B for Banda
Spanish term for binder, which is the tobacco leaf that holds the filler and is wrapped again by the wrapper.
B for abdominal bandage
Paper cigar ring that is wrapped around the cigars and denotes the brand
B for BD
Abbreviation for the English term Boxing Date, which indicates the date on which the cigars were packaged.
C for Cabinet
Cigar box containing one or more complete bundles of cigars.
B for humidifier
Cigars are stored at around 70% humidity. In order to achieve this, the humidors must be equipped with humidifiers. These can be sponges or polymer humidifiers that absorb distilled water and then gradually release it back into the environment.
B for Blend
The recipe for a cigar. It lies in the secret of properly mixing various aromatic tobacco leaves together to create a specific taste.
Z for braid
Instead of a smooth cigar head, the roller leaves a tail that you bite off or twist off before enjoying the smoke. This means you don't need any tools to open the cigar.
B for drill
A type of punch used to cut a hole in the head of a cigar, as an alternative to cutting.
B for Bonche
Also called wrap or doll, refers to the cigar's insert wrapped in the binder. These bonches are pressed in pressed wood and then wrapped in a wrapper, only then is the cigar ready.
B for booking
This is the name of a type of cigar rolling in which the filler leaves are folded like a book page before being wrapped in the binder.
B for Brandende
The side of the cigar where it is lit.
C for Capa
Is the Spanish word for cover page.
C for Capote
Is the Spanish word for binder.
C for Casa de Tabaco
Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.
C for Casquillo
Small punch used to cut out a piece of tobacco leaf to form the head of the cigar.
C for Cohiba
Originally a term used by the natives of Cuba for the cigars they smoked.
Fidel Castro later created his own brand under this name, which is now world-famous.
C for Corona
Cigar format with a length of 80-130 mm and a diameter of around 11.5 mm.
C for Criollo
A type of tobacco plant from which filler leaves and binder are made.
D for cover page
Very thin tobacco leaf that is grown in the shade and that serves as the dress of the cigar.
D for Dominican Republic
Important manufacturing country for cigars.
D for diameter
Important evaluation criterion for a cigar. Diameter and length determine the format and influence aroma development and smoking time.
E is for Ecuador
South American country where high-quality wrappers are grown.
E for insert
The interior of the cigar, consisting of a blend of three different filler leaves.
E for Escojedores
Specially trained tobacco workers who sort cigars according to the finest shades of color.
F for false colors
If all cigars are sorted according to color shades and there are still some left that do not belong to any category, these are referred to as off-colors.
F for fermentation
Important production phase that can last up to a year: the dried tobacco leaves are moistened and piled up in a pile. It arises, among other things, Ammonia. The tobacco leaves acquire their specific, delicate taste and the content of nicotine, acid and tar is reduced.
F for lighter
There are lighters that operate on gas or gasoline. The odorless gas is better suited for cigars. The smell of gasoline could disrupt the delicate aromas of the cigar.
F for Filler
English vocabulary for insert.
F for format
The length and diameter of the cigar determine the format, which in turn has a major influence on the taste and the development of the aromas.
F for foot
The burning end of the cigar.
G for Galera
Spanish word denoting the place where cigars are made.
G for Guillotine
Tool that is used in cigar production to cut the cigar to its final length, but can also refer to a cutter for the end consumer.
G for pleasure
The meaning and purpose of smoking cigars.
H for Habanos
Cigar that comes from Cuba and consists only of Cuban leaves. The term is protected.
H for handmade
Making a cigar without any use of machines.
Image with text
Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.
H for hand-rolled
Cigar where only the wrapper is applied by hand. The interior may be made by a machine.
H for Honduras
Important country for tobacco cultivation and cigar production.
H for humidor
Box, cupboard, casket or room dedicated to cigar storage and in which the optimal humidity and temperature for storage prevails.
I like Inch
American length measurement (1 inch equals 2.54 cm).
I like Indonesia
Country that has famous tobacco growing areas.
I like inhale
Cigar smoke should never be inhaled. Cigars are only there for enjoyment and people's taste pupils are located in the mouth area and not in the lungs.
J is for Jetflame lighter
Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.
K for Cuba
The most famous cigar country in the world.
L for long filler
Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.
M for Master Blender
A master blender who is responsible for an entire production facility, brand or cigar line.
M for Media Rueda
Are bundles containing 50 cigars, which are packed in a cabinet box.
N for Nicaragua
Important tobacco growing and cigar producing country in Central America, in the immediate vicinity of Honduras.
N for nicotine
Is an alkaloid naturally occurring in the leaves of the tobacco plant.
Oh for Oscuro
Darkest cover page color
P for Premium Cigar
These cigars are completely hand-rolled and are made from whole leaves, not leaf pieces.