We're celebrating our birthday today!

by Annette Meisl

We're celebrating our birthday today!

Exactly thirteen years ago, on May 9, 2009, our first guests entered our premises with bouquets of flowers and bottles of champagne. I made the decision to open a cigar factory with its own lounge on January 1st of the same year. That's how it is for me: I often wake up on the first day of a new year with a clear vision. As luck would have it, I knew a theater decorator, Peter Giffel, who was enthusiastic about my idea and implemented it exactly as I had imagined it. He conjured up a place that was reminiscent of a Cuban bar from times gone by. It is an invitation into the past. An escape from everyday life, a meeting place.

La Galana, that was the name and the program at the same time. A woman who enjoys her life, who is emancipated and enjoys her femininity, that's how I imagined my brand. For the first 10 years our team consisted exclusively of women. Cuban women who had worked in the well-known manufacturers in Cuba and ladies from various other countries. And in the middle of it all, a real South German, with an accent on “South”. The south has always attracted me and so I traveled halfway around the world, always looking for inspiration. I discovered tobacco in Cuba in 1999. It hasn't let me go since then.

On La Galana's 13th birthday I'm in the south. In the Alpujarra, which lies in a natural park south of Granada. Here I discovered an old village house that will now give the idea of ​​“La Galana” another home. I will go back here with a few of my regular customers, who have now become friends, from time to time for cigar retreats and of course to write.

I would like to thank you all very much for having been loyal to La Galana for so long and I look forward to many more birthdays!

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